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Shavous 5781

Sunday May 16th - Tuesday May 18th

Sunday Night, May 16th

8:40 PM - Mincha 

8:41 - Candle lighting

8:59 - Sunset

9:00 - Drasha by Rabbi Levi Goldwasser

9:40 - Maariv

All Night Learning Schedule

12 AM - Rabbi Kuppel Lindow - "Keeping Your Feet Out the Fire" (Open to men and women)

1:30 AM - TBA

2:30 AM - Rabbi Yaakov Ihm - “6th vs 7th - The When and Why of the Chag”

3:30 AM - Rabbi Lazarus - “Time to Pay Up - Accidental Damage in Jewish Law.”

4:30 AM - R' Reuven Lerman - “Likutei Maran on Shavous”

5:30 AM - Divrei Hisorirus for Shacharis


Monday, May 17th

5:50 AM - Neitz Minyan

There will be no later minyan for Shacharis

10 AM - Special Women's Kiddush and Speaker

(Child care provided)

7:40 PM - Learning Seder

8:40 PM - Mincha

9:00 - Drasha w/ Rabbi Nissim Delmoor

9:25 - Maariv

9:42 PM - Candle lighting and 2nd Night Prep Can Begin

Tuesday, May 18th

9:30 AM - Shacharis / Mussaf

10:15 - Kids Groups

11:30 - Kiddush 

7:40 Learning Seder

​8:40 PM - Mincha

9:00 - End of Chag Chabura

9:42 PM - Maariv and Havdallah

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