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Thank you for supporting Midwest Torah Center!
Lamp Lighter: $250
Kiddush: $150
Children's Groups - $75
Perek Shira Sunday Girls Group - $50
Coffee/Tea: $18
Sponsor a Shiur - $50
Sponsor a Week of Shiurim - $200
Avos u'Banim/Nosh & Learn (Shabbos Programming) (1 Week) - $100
Sponsor One Day of Daf Yomi - $36
Sponsor One Week Daf Yomi - $250
Parnas HaYom - Kollel Zakeinim - $100
Parnas HaShavua - Kollel Zakeinim - $500
Parnas HaChodesh - Kollel Zakeinim - Please Contact Office
Membership Options
Prime Membership Includes voting privileges and one free basic Shabbos Kiddush sponsorship a year.
$ 120.00/month
Membership Includes voting privileges and one free basic Shalosh Seudas sponsorship a year
$ 75.00/month
Associate Membership Includes voting privileges
$ 45.00/month
Friend Includes a feeling of belonging and showing gratitude for all MTC does.
$ 18.00/month
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